EAZA Biobank

The EAZA Biobank stores biological samples collected from animals in EAZA zoos and aquariums and available for scientific research to support conservation. 

EAZA Biobank

The EAZA Biobank is a great tool for scientific research in support  of conservation. The Biobank stores biological samples – blood, tissue, hair – collected from animals in EAZA zoos and aquariums. These samples are used to do analysis and experiments that help us understand animals better and create better strategies for their conservation both in human care and in the wild. Thanks to strict protocols, the samples arrive in one of the four hubs in Antwerp, Berlin, Copenhagen, and Edinburgh and are stored without contamination until they are needed.  

We collect genetic materials from these samples and freeze and catalogue them. Researchers apply to the Biobank Coordinator for access to the materials in support of their studies. We don’t as yet freeze viable live cells (sperm, oocyte) – so there is no way for us to store materials that would help us revive extinct species; instead, the samples we take suggest pathways to avoid extinction in the first place. 

This work is overseen by the Biobank Working Group.

All EAZA Members are encouraged to collect samples and send them to their nearest regional Biobank hub. Send an email to biobank@eaza.net for more information.

Anna Mekarska, EAZA Biobank Coordinator
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Biobank documentation

Are you looking for sampling protocols? Would you like to submit samples or request some for your research? Are you working with aquatic species and would like to contribute to the Biobank?

Find here all the necessary resources to guide you and facilitate these processes. 

The Biobank hubs


The EAZA Biobank recognizes the need for cryopreservation of live cells (gametes, cell lines) within the EAZA community, but is unable to offer these services at this time. However, we are seeking to develop relationships and collaborations with initiatives which are able to provide appropriate and dedicated resources, expertise and storage. We will also strive to provide information and guidance to benefit the pursuit of cryopreservation services by our members.