Become an EAZA Member

Being a Member of EAZA demonstrates your commitment to everything a modern zoo or aquarium should be: progressive centres of excellence for conservation, learning, research, and animal welfare. 

Become an EAZA Member

Why become an EAZA Member?

By joining EAZA, you'll benefit from many advantages that can help your institution realise its full potential in all aspects of running a zoo or aquarium.  These include:

  • The prestige of being part of an association alongside some of the world’s leading zoos and aquariums. 
  • Access to the continent’s most important conferences and forums for zoos and aquariums. 
  • Discounted rates for EAZA Academy courses, state of the art professional development education for zoo and aquarium specialists. 
  • Usage of the EAZA Member Area, an online forum that allows Members to work together and share knowledge. 
  • Accreditation to reinforce your credentials as a modern, progressive institution.
  • Access to and involvement in EAZA Ex situ Programmes (EEPs) for over 500 species
  • Support and assistance from the EAZA Executive Office, a full service facility in Amsterdam staffed by specialists in three main areas:
  1. Conservation and Population Management: providing support on issues involving animal populations and conservation both at the institution and in the field
  2. Communications and Membership: supporting Members with the latest news from across the network, internal and external communications and all membership issues
  3. European Union Policy: support on EU policy and engagement for Members from our representative office in Brussels

Read more in our Benefits of Membership brochure.

Apply for EAZA Membership

For Zoos and Aquariums in Europe or Western Asia

A zoo or aquarium wishing to join EAZA should review our key policies and standards to ensure that it meets the requirements for membership, or is likely to be capable of doing so within a reasonable timeframe. Please note that:

  • all applicants must be a member of Species360 
  • the majority of the animals in their care should be recorded into ZIMS.

A procedure in three steps:

1. The Accreditation Questionnaire must be requested and returned completed along with a non-refundable application fee to This document is reviewed by the EAZA Accreditation Team.

/!\ If the application is complete and meeting all requirements, the applicant institution will be informed that they can proceed to the next step.

2. A Screening visit of the applicant institution by the Screening Team (two professional staff members of EAZA Member institutions and an EAZA Executive Office rapporteur) determines whether it meets the required standards.

/!\ The applicant institution is obliged to pay all travel and accommodation expenses for the Screening Team.

3. A Screening Report written by the Screening Team is submitted to the EAZA Membership & Ethics Committee. The Committee reviews it and makes a recommendation to EAZA Council that makes the final decision on membership.

/!\  If the applicant institution is accepted as a Member of EAZA it will be obliged to pay an entrance fee.

Additional information

EAZA is a growing organisation and its Standards are constantly reviewed and upgraded. Applicants and Members alike should regularly review the currently applicable standards and policies and should contact the EAZA Executive Office if further guidance is required.

As of 2012, existing Members must also participate in a cyclical re-accreditation procedure in order to maintain their membership.

Full explanations about membership categories and the accreditation and decision-making processes can be found in the Membership and Accreditation Manual.

For Associate Members

Associate Membership can be granted to zoos and aquariums outside Europe/Westerm Asia as well as to national zoo associations and other organisations related to education, conservation or zoo staff. 

The application procedure for Associate Membership is slightly different, including a different membership fee scheme, and might be simplified depending on the type of Associate Membership.

To receive additional information or apply as an Associate Member, please contact


For companies

Companies supplying goods and services to zoos and aquariums can become EAZA Corporate Members.  

EAZA has three different Corporate Membership packages with tailored costs and benefits: Bronze, Silver, and Gold. 

Once you have selected your package, send a message to to receive an electronic application form.

Together with the filled in application form, you are required to provide at least two letters of recommendation: one from an EAZA Member (or member of another national or regional zoo association), and the second from a company you have worked with or are currently working with.


Companies wishing to take advantage of any of EAZA’s commercial opportunities must not permanently own, hold or sell animals as a function of their business abiding to the EAZA Code of Ethics. EAZA expects all Members to undertake due diligence and to operate in a manner that does not bring the association into disrepute or damage the association in any way.  

If you have questions about applying for EAZA Corporate Membership or sponsorship opportunities (Including exhibition) at our conferences and events, please contact  

Costs of Membership

In addition to the application fee of € 525,- and the entrance fee of € 785,- EAZA Members are obliged to pay an annual membership fee. Members are classified into different categories according to their type of membership and/or the number of paying visitors to their institution.

The payment deadline is 31 March of each year

Please email for any questions.