



Being an EAZA Member

The documents in this section set out how EAZA functions as an organisation and how EAZA Members are expected to carry out activities that fall under EAZA's remit. Any zoo or aquarium considering applying for membership of EAZA should study these documents carefully before submitting their application.


Caring for animals

EAZA provides tools and resources based on the latest advances in husbandry practices, animal welfare and nutrition science to guide and support Members to provide the best conditions to the animals under their care. This also includes appropriate population management and protocols to collect biological samples.


Educating the public

EAZA zoos and aquariums are a vital resources for their communities, providing a wealth of experience and opportunities for learning about nature and conservation.


Showcasing EAZA activities

There are several tools available that summarisee the wealth and range of work carried out by EAZA through the activities of our Committees, Taxon Advisory Groups, Working Groups, Members and collaborators: from our annual reports, to Zooquaria, JZAR and other articles. We encourage you to read them and share them with your stakeholders to evidence the crucial role zoos and aquariums play in saving species.


Non-EAZA resources

Colleagues from the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA) and other regional zoo associations have produced key resources that can be useful to EAZA Members or that they need to observe.