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Call for abstracts

You are invited to give an oral presentation (15 minutes), a PechaKucha presentation (10 minutes: 15 slides, each for 40 seconds) or to display a poster at the EZE Conference in Paris, following one of the described conference themes.

Please download the abstract submission form, fill in all the required information and send the form to

The deadline for submitting an abstract is 16 December 2016

PechaKucha presentation

PechaKucha is a simple presentation format where you show 15 slides, each for 40 seconds. The slides advance automatically and you talk along to the slides.  Guidance on how to set your PowerPoint slides to change automatically after 40 seconds can be found here.

Call for posters

EZE Conference delegates are invited to display relevant posters. If you would like to display a poster at the conference you can send a poster abstract to using the abstract poster submission form that you can download here. You can also, if already available, submit the actual poster (as a PDF). All submissions will be reviewed and, if accepted, you will be contacted to confirm this. After the conference the posters will be made available to the member community through the proceedings library on the EAZA website.

Posters that are accepted for display should be brought in person to Paris, or alternatively sent with a delegate that is attending. Posters should be designed to A2 - portrait (420mm wide by 594mm high); or A1 - portrait (594mm wide by 840mm high) materials for hanging the posters will be available on site.

EZE Conference 2017

Zoos and aquariums reach hundreds of millions of people all over the world. The great majority of the people live in urban areas and have little to no contact with nature. Zoo and Aquarium education - explaining the irreplaceable value of the entire biological system of our planet and all of its constituent components - is a most powerful tool in raising the level of general awareness. The EAZA European Zoo Educators (EZE) Conference is a biennial event hosted at a different institution each time. It brings together educators from across Europe and beyond for three days of presentations, workshops, and activities focused on sharing good practice and highlighting future trends.

The EZE Conference 2017 aims for EAZA Educators to celebrate the diversity of conservation education activities that are delivered in EAZA zoos and aquariums. Through presentations, posters, workshops and informal discussion groups, this conference welcomes abstract submissions on the following eclectic topics: Arts and culture EAZA in zoos and aquariums, Taking conservation education out of the zoo and aquarium, New digital technologies for conservation education, Promoting biological literacy, Conservation storytelling, Local Biodiversity, Special education needs and disabilities (SEND), Long term conservation education projects and other conservation education approaches.

Scroll to the bottom of this page for conference locations, travel information and to download a special EZE 2017 City Guide

View a compilation of the EZE Conference in 2015 hosted by Lisbon Zoo here: 

Registration (SOLD OUT!)

brno ZooSOLD OUT!

  • Monday 13 March: EAZA Academy course 'Conservation Storytelling for Zoo Educators', Icebreaker at Paris Zoo
  • Tuesday 14 March: Conference day plus social event
  • Wednesday 15 March: Conference day plus Paris Zoo visit 
  • Thursday 16 March: Conference day plus farewell dinner at le Viaduc
 Full Conference fee*


Daily Conference fee*


1-day Academy course EAZA members


1-day Academy course non-EAZA members


* Early bird has closed 16 December 2016 

For questions about the conference and/or registration please contact

Academy course (FULL!)

The conference will be preceded by a one day EAZA Academy seminar on the theme of Conservation Storytelling. The applied course 'Conservation Storytelling for Zoo Educators' will explore why storytelling is such a powerful communication tool, how storytelling can be applied to the strategic development of education initiatives, and how to use storytelling techniques to increase visitor engagement across varied audiences. Storytelling is an incredibly powerful communication tool, and this course will give participants a chance to develop the skills they need to use it effectively in their conservation education work.


Click here for course details

Course tutors: 

During the course you will:

  • Explore and understand the strategic elements of storytelling
  • Learn how to design your own stories
  • Practice telling your own story
  • Understand how to apply storytelling techniques in your own institution
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Preceding the event, the sold out EAZA Academy seminar on "Funding for in situ Conservation Projects" was run by John Regan (John Regan Associates) and Neil Maddison (Head of Conservation Programmes at Bristol Zoological Society).  The course provided an overview for conservation professionals about where to find sources for funding, and introduced the different techniques and approaches to be successful. Participants found the seminar 'very relevant, concrete and useful' with 'good mix of theory and examples'. The group had a broad range of backgrounds and we definitely could have filled a second day to really explore the wide range of examples and specific situations open to funding opportunities. A special thank you also goes out to Dan James, Director of Development at the Eden Project who joined the participants over Skype to talk about the power of crowdfunding.

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child with gharial

chester gavial 225

“Why do zoos do research? What research can zoos do?” 

225 student behavorial study

“Can I do research in a zoo? Who should I contact?”

225 happy researcher

“Can you supervise/host students? How can we collaborate with zoos?”

eaza 225a

“How can my zoo build a research program? How can I find out who is doing research with my species?”

Academy course

The pre-conference Academy course 'Funding for in situ Conservation Projects' that takes place on 22 May 2018 is open to anyone who wants to learn more about how to set up and source funds for in situ conservation projects. This seminar provides valuable insights and advice about how best to secure funding for in situ projects. Different funding sources will be examined and the benefits of each discussed. The skills and understanding learnt on this course will enable greater confidence and ability in finding and attracting funds to support conservation projects.

Registered participants that expressed interest in the course will receive an invitation for course registration. EAZA members pay €120, Non-members pay €150. For this course there will be a maximum of 25 participants. 

More information about he coruse can be found here.  The application form can be downloaded here

For questions please contact

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You can download or view each poster by clicking on the hyperlinks in the column to your right. Recordings of the EAZA poster session will be published relatively soon. 

  Title Author Institution Poster
The Saola Foundation for Annamite Mountains Conservation
Lorraine Scotson & Bill Robichaud Saola Foundation Click here


Demonstrating short-term knowledge transfer in participants of the marine mammals educational presentation at the Attica Zoological Park

Daphne Kyriakides & Georgina Spyres Attica Zoological park Click here
3. Group moves of Great Apes Lorraine Miller Twycross Zoo Click here
4. Reproductive patterns in the genus panthera: Does keeping big cats under human care influence litter size? Johanna Staerka, Fernando Colcheroc, Morgane Tidière, Dalia A. Conde, Kim Skalborg Simonsen & Craig Packer Species360 Click here


The influence of nutrition on the behavior and blood glucose level of orangutans Pongo sp in Gdańsk Zoo

Wojciech Kopczyk, Małgorzata Grabowicz & Izabela Patrycja Krause Toruń Zoobotanical Garden Click here


Establishment of baseline levels for California sea lion (Zalophus californianus) welfare

Winans, M., Cole, K., Flint, M., & George, K.A. The Ohio State University, Center for Human-Animal Interactions Research and Education Click here


The future of rare bactrian deer in EAZA

Jan Mengr, Jan Pluháček, Aneta Břízová & Francisco Ceacero The Czech University of Life Sciences Prague Click here


Sex-specific actuarial and reproductive senescence in zoo-housed tiger

Morgane Tidière, Peter Müller, Alexander Sliwa, Aurélie Siberchicot & Guillaume Douay  Species360 Click here

Pre-conference EAZA Academy course

Nutrition 2019 FB Header


The course 'Feeding Meat and Fish; Quality, Nutrition and Presentation' aims to support participants in providing quality nutrition (specifically meat and fish) and using appropriate methods of feed presentation for zoo animals. Using a mixture of lectures and practical activities, this one day course will build knowledge and skills. Anyone with an interest in nutrition and appropriate feed presentation for zoo animals – nutritionists, zookeepers, etc. is invited to join. Click here to read more about Feeding Meat and Fish; Quality, Nutrition and Presentation.  

The tutors for this course are:

  • Prof. Annette Liesegang - Institute for Animal Nutrition, University of Zürich
  • Andy Beer – Royal Zoological Society of Scotland
  • Richard Chivers, Food Safety SouthWest
  • others to be confirmed

The registration fee for the EAZA Academy course, Feeding Meat and Fish; Quality, Nutrition and Presentation, on 17 January is €100 for EAZA/BIAZA Members and €125 for non-EAZA/BIAZA Members. 

Optional Apenheul and AAP visit (FULL)


A zoo visit to Apenheul and an aditional visit to AAP Animal Advocacy and Protection (Almere) on Friday 27 March is offered to registered delegates that attend conference for at least two days.


10:00 – 12:00: Zoo visit Apenheul
12:00 – 13:00: Transport by coach to AAP (including lunch option at own cost, approx. €7 to pay for with card)
13:00 – 15:00: Visit and guided tour AAP

The coach is kindly offered by Apenheul 

After the visit to AAP delegates can decide to return to Apeldoorn by coach or to continue elsewhere, there are buses running from AAP to Almere train station.

Enriching Enrichment: Bridging the gap between ‘occupational enrichment’ and ‘species specific ecology based enrichment


This course is aimed at anyone involved or interested in the implementation of enrichment programs and their effect on an animals well-being. Using a theoretical and practical approach we will explore the different facets of planning, implementation, evaluation and re-adjustment of enrichment programs. Looking through the lens of promoting agency we will analyse how to achieve enrichment success in the physical, psychological engagement of an animal whilst aligning with species specific ecological needs.

Click here to read more about the course aims and the learning outcomes. 

Instructors: Thomas Bionda (Apenheul Primate Park), Lisette van den Berg (Utrecht University) in conjunction with Melissa Broadway (EAZA)

Location: Kambizuri Lodges (Apenheul Primate Park) 

Participation fees:

EAZA members: €130
Non-EAZA members: €165


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Lufthansa discount deal

Special offer: Discounted travel with Lufthansa Group Partner Airlines

Lufthansa Group Partner Airlines offer a comprehensive global route network linking major cities around the world. We offer special prices and conditions to participants, visitors, exhibitors, invited guests as well as employees of the Contracting partner and their travel companions.

To make a reservation, please click on and enter the access code NLZLITO in the "Offer for discounted flights" area. This will open an online booking platform that will automatically calculate the discount offered or provide you with an even better offer if another promotional fare is available.

The valid sales period is until 03 October 2020. The travel period is from 22 September until 10 October 2020. Click here to read the instruction. 




Lufthansa Group

Submit your abstract

For the 2020 edition of the EAZA Conservation Forum we are looking to provide an interesting and diverse programme with a specific focus on the different ways and methods for EAZA Members to become and stay involved in conservation. 

Abstract submission is closed. Please contact for questions.

Conservation Forum Themes

Fundraising models
How do you effectively fundraise? There is not one model that works for everything or everywhere, so we are looking for as many different models developed and implemented by EAZA Members- but also by other conservation organisations - to provide inspiration for those looking for new ways or adapt their current methods.

Delegating implementation of conservation efforts to conservation organizations
How can one have the biggest impact with the sometimes limited resources (financial or in-kind) available for supporting conservation? How does one choose where or which project or activity to invest the resources and then maintain connection to the project or activity?

Building long-term partnership between zoos/aquaria and field projects
When a partnership between a zoo and/or aquarium, a field project or local community has been established - it can evolve into something bigger and make cross-representation in activities possible. We are looking for examples of how a project and partnerships can evolve and how the strategic decision-making has resulted in this evolution.

Think global, act local
We would like to give room for both EAZA Members and other conservation organisations to showcase and discuss how to reach out to local communities of businesses, government and/or other conservation organisations in initiating or joining local conservation efforts (species, habitat, sustainability or other). Why become locally involved? What worked and what did not? What networks or skills have proven to be important?

Different models of conservation
There are various ways to be involved in conservation; raising funds, being part of or executing conservation research, running conservation projects in range-countries, advocating and lobbying for legislative or policy change , contributing staff time and expertise, running educational programmes specifically focussed on conservation. A combination of all of the above and then some also happens. We are interested to hear about all these different models and oppurtunities for being involved in conservation to inspire EAZA Members to find their perfect fit.

Communication and marketing of conservation
Next to having the right technical and scientific expertise in place, there is also the aspect of effectively communicating your efforts and sometimes even “sell” conservation within the zoo and aquarium community but also within the conservation and wider communities. We are looking for examples of strategies developed and chosen.


Pricing schedule (CANCELLED)

Full conference, early rate  €280
Full conference, regular rate €335
Single day, early rate €93
Single day, regular rate €112
EAZA Academy course (EAZA members)


EAZA Academy course (Non-EAZA members)


Pre-conference day tour to Beli rescue center on Cres €100
Post-conference day tour to Plitvice NP and Rastoke €70

Early bird rate is available until 20 March 2020, student discount fees are not available. 

Please take notice of the EAZA Events cancellation policy:

  • If you cancel more than four weeks before the event starts you will be reimbursed the full registration fee minus €50,- handling charges.
  • If you cancel less than three weeks before the event starts you will be charged 25% of the fees.
  • If you cancel less than two weeks before the event starts you will be charged 50% of the fees. 

Cancellations one week prior to the event will not be refunded

It is your responsibility to ensure that your cancellation for the Academy course/EAZA Conservation Forum is confirmed by the EAZA Academy or the EAZA Office respectively.

In case of questions, please contact



Conference day 1 (28 January)

Time Session  Presenter(s)
09:00 - 09:15 Welcome  
09:15 - 10:15

How We Can Use Behaviour Change Science in the World of Zoo Animal Nutrition

Dr Tamzin Furtado
10:30 - 11:30 The Nutritional Husbandry of Bats Dr Leonie Baier
11:45 - 12:30 'Short talks': Smart Solutions in Zoo Nutrition (including Q&A session)  
12:30 - 13:30 Lunch break  
13:30 - 14:15 'Short talks': Diet Change and Behaviour (including Q&A session)  
14:15 - 14:30 Short break  
14:30 - 16:00 Workshop 1: Behaviour Change Science in the World of Zoo Animal Nutrition Dr Tamzin Furtado
16:00 - 16:30 Break  
16:30 - 18:00 Workshop 2: COVID19 & Zoo Animal Nutrition Lauren Samet & Anouk Fens
18:00 - Concluding remarks by Geert Janssens  


Conference day 2 (29 January)

Time Session  Presenter(s)
09:00 - 09:15 Welcome & Opening Remarks  
09:15 - 10:15 Sustainability of Zoo Animal Feed: Food for Thought Dr Francis Cabana
10:30 - 11:30 Now That’s a Seedy Character! Nutritional Considerations in Feeding Granivorous Species Dr Ellen Dierenfeld
11:45 - 12:30 'Short talks': Underwater Nutrition / Mineral Deficiency (including Q&A session)  
12:30 - 13:30 Lunch break  
13:30 - 14:30 Diet and the Gut Microbiome: Lessons from Comparative Work with Primates Dr Katherine Amato
14:30 - 14:45 Short break  
14:45 - 15:30 'Short talks': Scoring and Measuring Animal Condition / Microbiome (including Q&A session) Dr Tamzin Furtado
15:30 - 16:00 Break  
16:00 - 18:00

Workshop 3: Bear nutrition

Charles Robbins & Marcus Clauss
18:00 -  Concluding remarks & thanks by Geert Janssens  

Conference proceedings and session recordings will become available after the conference, either on the EAZA public website and/or the EAZA Member Area. Availability will be announced through the website, internal communications and EAZA social media channels


The Online European Zoo Nutrition Conference is open to anyone interested in comparative and zoo animal nutrition. Nutrition is a vital element of animal care and gathering everyone involved or interested to exchange information and ideas helps fulfil our objectives. European Zoo Nutrition conferences are usually attended by an average of 150 delegates from approximately 20 countries globally, representing zoo nutritionists, veterinarians, curators, animal keepers and students.

Registration is free but you are required to pre-register for each of the sessions. For registration please click on the links below for each respective session. For questions about the programme please contact Anouk Fens (, for registration queries please contact

Conference (FULL)

  • EAZA Nutrition Conference Day 1 (Thursday 28 January) 09:00 - 14:15 CET 
  • EAZA Nutrition Conference Day 2 (Friday 29 January) 09:00 - 14:30 CET

Workshops (FULL)

  • EAZA Nutrition conference workshop 1: Behaviour Change Science in the World of Zoo Animal Nutrition (Thursday 28 January) 09:00 - 16:00 CET
  • EAZA Nutrition conference workshop 2: COVID19 & Zoo Animal Nutrition (Thursday 28 January) 16:30 - 18:00 CET
  • EAZA Nutrition conference workshop 3: Bear Nutrition (Friday 29 January) 16:00 - 18:00 CET


tortoise leeuwtje

AWF22Event sponsors

Many thanks for the generous support of our sponsors listed below, who made part of the EAZA Animal Welfare Forum 2020 possible: 


Dorset Identification has been involved in animal identification and electronic systems since 1989. To identify animals we supply passive tags and we produce portable and stationary reading equipment. Also combinations with feeders, weighing equipment, direction control and access gates are possible. Besides the identification systems we also supply a wireless sensor system to monitor room or water conditions. The sensors can monitor temperature, humidity and all kinds of other values.

More info about Dorset Identification

Dorset 775x400


Petfood brand produced by NGN Products, based in The Netherlands. Products are sold to pet shops, zoos and aquariums. Our specialty is semi-moist feed focusing on inclusion of fresh insects and sustainable ingredients. Reptile, fish, bird and mammal feed are included in our current assortment. Besides our line of products, we are able to produce custom feed on client request.

More info about Terrabites

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Registration for the online Annual Conference is now open. During the conference a total op 5 online channels will be functional and accessible through the conference platform. Specific access links to the platform and the subsequent sessions, based on EAZA membership and invitations to closed meetings, will be issued after registration and payment. 

Please note that Non-EAZA Members in principle only have access to the ‘livestream’ channel on the programme.  EAZA Candidates for Membership are entitled to register as an EAZA Member.

Registration costs for everything else are as follows:   

Type Fee
Full registration for Members €100
Day registration for Members €40
Full registration non-Members €150
Day registration non-Members €60

The above rates are excluding 23% VAT

For questions about registration please contact


This year’s conference registration fee remains nominal to encourage broad participation. 

REGISTRATION HAS CLOSED! You must be an IZE or EAZA Member to register for the conference.

The registration fees are as follows:

  Early bird fee (Until 31 August, 2021) Late Registration (After 31 August 2021)

Category 1

$15 (€13)

$30 (€25)

Category 2

$75 (€63)

$100 (€84)

* The registration fees in Euros are based on the actual USD exchange rate. Euro rates in the table based on 18-03-2021

You will receive a confirmation email upon registering. In early October, you will receive the weblink and password to access the conference sessions. This website will contain a list of programs, times, and Zoom links to each session and event.

Registration fees are based on categories developed by the World Bank. View the PDF to determine which category applies to you.

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