Resources - Showcasing EAZA's activities


EAZA Annual Reports and other publications

There are several documents summarising the wealth and range of work carried out by EAZA through the activities of our Committees, Taxon Advisory Groups, Working Groups, Members and collaborators. We encourage you to read them and share them with your stakeholders to evidence the crucial role zoos and aquariums play in saving species.

EAZA Annual reports

These reports published yearly summarise the achievements of EAZA and the activities carried out by our Committees. Click on a cover to open the report.

EAZA TAG Reports

EAZA’s Taxon Advisory Groups (TAGs) cover all groups of animals managed by EAZA Members. TAGs meet at least once per year and evaluate their EEPs every five years to ensure the quality of intensively managed populations. A detailed overview of these activities can be found in the TAG Reports listed below.

What is EAZA?

The resources in this section can help you to showcase your crucial role as part of the EAZA community to your stakeholders.

The "What is EAZA?" presentation (edition 2024) has had a major makeover.

We encourage you to use it to familiarise yourself and your colleagues with the association's activities and get a better sense of how your work fits within the common goals of our community. We will soon make it available in other languages too.


Saving Species Together With You

The cooperative work of EAZA Members is described in detail in our short book Saving Species Together With You (2021). 

You can download the full book or individual chapters by clicking the links below:

Find here the full book kindly translated into Russian by Kaliningrad Zoo.


Other ways to showcase EAZA's activities

Don't forget to check out the other publications highlighting the work of the zoo and aquarium community. 

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Published four times a year, our magazine is filled with news reports, feature articles and opinion pieces illustrating the diverse activities and challenges that zoos and aquariums are involved in.


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Through their living collections, zoos and aquariums are uniquely placed to contribute to conservation-related research. The Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research (JZAR) compiles novel, peer-reviewed research papers, reviews, technical reports and evidence-based case studies from zoos, aquariums and their collaborators.


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Zoo Science Library

The Zoo Science Library is an collaborative initiative between the Association of German-speaking Zoological Gardens (VdZ) and EAZA. This searchable tool compiles publications of international peer-reviewed journals which modern zoos and aquariums contributed to.