Resources - Operations

Running a zoo or aquarium for ex situ conservation is a complex interaction of scientific principle, ethics and culture. A shared set of standards and documents helps our Members to work together to ensure constantly improving animal welfare, education, research and conservation across Europe and report our progress objectively to our visitors.

Operational documents

The documents in this section set out how EAZA functions as an organisation and how EAZA Members are expected to carry out activities that fall under EAZA's remit. Any zoo or aquarium considering applying for membership of EAZA should study these documents carefully before submitting their application. Please note that the documents presented here are revised from time to time.  

Governing documents

These are the core documents that govern and direct the functioning of EAZA as an organisation and the activities of its Members.

The EAZA Code of Ethics and Conduct also requires Members to observe a few documents from the International Union for Conservation of Nature and World Association of Zoos and Aquariums. You can find these documents here



Like the documents in the previous section, EAZA Members are obliged to comply with the provisions set out in the Standards listed below.


EAZA Guidelines

Members are strongly encouraged to follow the EAZA Guidelines that represent Council advice, approved by Council, on specific issues.



EAZA regularly develops strategic plans to guide the activities of the organisation for a set period. These strategy documents are published externally where it is judged that there will be a benefit in doing so. 

Position statements

From time to time EAZA publishes position statements setting out the organisation's current position on a key issue and what we would like to see happen in the future. Some of these concern issues that directly affect zoos and aquariums and their functioning, whereas others pertain to wider issues of interest to EAZA members, with particular regard to the mission areas of conservation, education and research.


Other documents


Membership & Accreditation resources

Find here all the documentation related to applying for membership and accreditation, from the applicant and the screener perspectives.