Resources - Learning about nature

EAZA zoos and aquariums are a vital resources for their communities, providing a wealth of experience and opportunities for learning about nature and conservation.

Learn about nature


Looking at People Looking at Animals

Conservation and education are two of the big missions of zoos and aquariums. Just like we evaluate the efficacy of population management by looking at the genetic diversity of animals or monitor animal welfare with a variety of indicators, there are methodologies to measure the impact of zoos' educational activities. This ensures that zoos and aquariums keep evolving and provide the best learning experience as possible.

Find here a list of international visitor experience studies and exhibit evaluation compiled by Harry Schram.

Online educational resources

In 2020 and 2021, the COVID-19 pandemic had an unprecedented impact on zoos and aquariums, with the majority of EAZA Members needing to close their doors to the public as part of the effort to reduce the spread of the virus. 

Nevertheless, our Members remained committed to their important mission to educate people about nature and the critical importance of conserving it.

Many provided excellent online resources for people to use at home, whether that’s live-streams of animal feeding sessions, creative activities to inspire people, or more structured learning for parents to use while educating their children at home.

This is a non-exhaustive list of their resources compiled in 2020 and grouped by languages.



Activities, games, videos and more


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