Resources - Zoo nutrition

As one of the domains included in the Five Domain Model of Animal Welfare, it is essential that zoos and aquariums continue adapting their nutrition processes based on the latest scientific knowledge available.

Nutrition Resources


Programmes and abstracts

From the International Symposium on Pet Bird Nutrition

To order, contact:

From the European Zoo Nutrition Conferences

All the Conference abstract booklets have been archived on our "Past events page" on the EAZA Member area.. The special nutrition issue of the Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research (JZAR) can be found here.


Zoo Animal Nutrition Books

These books compile the scientific contributions to the European Zoo Nutrition Conferences. They are now out of print, but second-hand and library copies are available.

  • Zoo Animal Nutrition I (2000) (out of print) - Edited by J. Nijboer, J.-M. Hatt, W. Kaumanns, A. Beijnen, U. Gansloßer (eds.).  Filander Verlag, Fürth  ISBN-10: 3-930831-29-5
  • Zoo Animal Nutrition II (2003) (out of print) - Edited by A. Fidgett, M. Clauss, U. Gansloßer, J.-M. Hatt, J. Nijboer.  Filander Verlag, Fürth  ISBN-10: 3-930831-51-1
  • Zoo Animal Nutrition III (2006) (out of print) - Edited by A. Fidgett, M. Clauss, K. Eulenberger, J.-M. Hatt, I. Hume, G. Janssens, J. Nijboer.  Filander Verlag, Fürth  ISBN-10: 3-930831-57-0 / ISBN-13: 978-3-930831-57-9
  • Zoo Animal Nutrition IV (2009) (out of print) - Edited by M. Clauss, A. Fidgett, G. Janssens, J.-M. Hatt, T. Huisman, J. Hummel, J. Nijboer, A. Plowman. Filander Verlag, Fürth  ISBN-13: 978-3-930831-72-2

Useful links

The EAZA Nutrition Group has selected a list of relevant useful websites.

Zoo Animal Nutrition

NAG Online - A list of AZA groups that have provided information to the Nutrition Advisory Group about their husbandry manuals, some including feeding guidelines.

Wiley-Blackwell Publishing - Search for nutrition related books and journals. Most articles viewable online for free.

Comparative Nutrition Society

AZA Animal Care manuals

Avian Nutrition Resource

Nutritional Compositions

USDA National Nutrient Database - Search the USDA National Nutrient Database online. From this page there is a link to also view reports on foods by individual nutrients, e.g. calcium.

FAO International Food Composition Tables - A summary of human food tables, many of which are online.

National Food Institute Denmark - Danish food table: very clear in English and of course in Danish.

Nutrient Requirements

National Academies Press - A set of nutrient requirement books, possible to read each online for free, a page at a time.

National Academies - The National Resource Council Committee on Animal Nutrition produces a series of reports on the 'nutrient requirements of domestic animals'.

DEFRA UK - Guidelines for nutrient requirements in the United Kingdom.

Nutrition Software available

Busch Gardens Animal Diet Database - freely available. 

Tracks - has a diet module integrated into their collection management software, requires payment.

Zootrition – a database and tool for dietary design and nutritional analysis, requires payment.

Food4Zoos - kitchen/diet management software, which requires a subscription.

Societies and Proceedings

NAG Online - Conference proceedings from the Nutrition Advisory Group: papers from the 1st and 2nd conferences are available to download; hard copies of proceedings from meetings in 1999, 2001 & 2003 are available to purchase. Contents can be previewed online.

International Zoo Yearbooks - International Zoo Yearbooks 6, 16 and 39 have special sections on nutrition.

Comparative Digestive Anatomy resource


The Auk - All issues of The Auk from 1880 to 1999 are free online

Highwire Press - A repository of high impact, peer-reviewed content, with 1269 journals and 6 million full text articles from over 140 scholarly publishers.

Integrated Zootrition 

Zoo nutrition programmes and databases are used in zoos and aquariums independently, and are not linked to each other. This prevents optimising their use among the zoo sector, including to communicate about best feeding and dietary practices in the zoo community.

Dr. Ellen S. Dierenfeld and Dr. Joeke Nijboer have started an initiative to evaluate such programmes and databases. They aim at developping an integrated web-based system, called Integrated Zootrition, combining nutritional assessment information with feeding management logistics, deliverable through multiple platforms and languages.

However, they need help to accomplish this task. They are looking for volunteers providing their time, skills, or administrative support to the project. If interested, please contact them at

Check the video for more information.


ENG Funding

(currently closed for applications)

The EAZA Nutrition Group regularly offers funding to improve communication and coordination among all those engaged in research, education, or application of comparative nutrition, and those requiring dietary information, within zoos and aquariums.

Funding is available to any non-profit parties, in the EAZA region, aiming to promote and improve the education, training and/or improved application of comparative nutrition in zoos and aquariums, with priority given to research benefitting multiple EAZA Member institutions.

Prioritisation of projects for funding will go to those which:

  • Have the widest reach of benefit to animals in human care, and those in charge of this care, across Europe, Western Asia, and beyond.
  • Can provide a complete application with sound supporting evidence for the anticipated impact of the project.
  • Have well written, detailed, and focussed proposals that include preliminary data (where available) and demonstrate good value for money and/or adequately justified costs.
  • If the other criteria are satisfied, then priority will be given to those working with or within EAZA Member institutions.

The ENG will not fund individual attendance at training events/conferences or individual student research projects.


Join the ENG Community!

There are three ways to get involved with the EAZA Nutrition Working Group (ENG): become a member of the ENG, join the ENG Network or follow the European Zoo Nutrition Group on Facebook.