Hosted by Apenheul Primate Park, Netherlands (23-26 January, 2025)

The 12th European Zoo Nutrition Conference will be hosted by Primate Park Apenheul in the Netherlands, 23-26 January, 2025.  The biennial European Zoo Nutrition Conference is usually attended by around 150 delegates from about 25 countries, representing zoo nutritionists, veterinarians, curators, animal keepers, staff and students from higher education institutes and private individuals. The conference is a major event for information exchange between individuals involved in zoo animal nutrition in Europe.

The conference will be preceded by an optional one-day EAZA Academy workshop which will take place on Thursday 23 January. 

Zoo Nutrition Conference logo

Welcome to Apenheul

The more we know about the impact of adequate animal nutrition on animal welfare, the more we realize there is still a lot to discover. Therefore it is very important that zoos share and increase their knowledge on this important topic. We are frontrunners, or at least should strive to be so, on this matter and in my opinion it’s one of the hidden gems of modern day, leading zoos. Gems, that we should share not only between zoos, but also with our visitors and other stakeholders. The more people know about the importance of nutrition outside your field of expertise, the more your field of work will be able to attract more funding and thus improve itself.

The recently developed habitat for small New World primates at Apenheul, might be a good example. It improves animal welfare on a multifactorial scale ánd involves the visitor. The exhibit barrier consists of a more-than-hundred-metres-long insect hotel, which aims to provide the insectivorous callitrichids with countless foraging opportunities. This insect hotel is a conversation piece and gives us the opportunity to talk about the importance of biodiversity and the role of primates in the food chain.

We are very honoured that Apenheul is given the opportunity to host this year’s nutrition conference and I hope many of you will be able to participate and visit the park. I wish you a lot of inspiration and would like to challenge you to team up with your marketing and communications department in order to convince even more people about the importance of good food!

Roel Welsing

Managing Director Apenheul

roel welsing 01 Apenheul Insectenmuur 2020

Call for abstracts

You are invited to submit abstracts for the upcoming European Zoo Nutrition Conference 2025.

Submission Guidelines: Submissions are welcomed from both practitioners and researchers. Please see this document for example submission.

  1. Abstract Length: Abstracts should be no longer than 500 words.
  2. Format: Please use the template provided (attached) by including the title, list of authors (with affiliations), the main body of the abstract and key words directly into this document.
  3. Content: Clearly state the research objective, methods, results, and conclusion.
  4. Language: All abstracts must be submitted in English.
  5. Submission: Please indicate if your submission is for an oral presentation (15 minutes) or a poster. Abstracts must be submitted electronically to the email address provided below.

Important Dates:

  • Submission Deadline: 31 August 2024. In the event of a deadline extension, priority for oral presentations will be given to submissions arriving prior to the original deadline.
  • Notification of Acceptance: Mid-September 2024

We encourage submissions from a wide range of disciplines related to animal nutrition and look forward to your participation in what promises to be a highly engaging and informative event.

All delegates, including speakers, must register for the conference.

Please submit your abstracts to the EAZA Nutrition Group (Marcus Clauss) before 31 August 2024 with ‘EZNC25 – [Poster/presentation] – Abstract – [Name]’ in the subject line.

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A detailed programme will follow in due course

Conference schedule

Date Time Programme
Thu 23 January 09:00-17:00 Optional EAZA Academy Workshop
  18:00-20:00 Conference Icebreaker
Fri 24 January 09:00-17:00 (Conference day 1): Scientific and poster sessions 
Sat 25 January 09:00-17:00 (Conference day 2): Zoo visit and practical demonstrations, scientific sessions
  18:00-22:00 Farewell Dinner
Sun 26 January 09:00-13:00 Scientific sessions


Early-bird registration will open 5 August 2024

The venue for the European Nutrition Conference is Conference centre De St@art.

Venue Address: De St@art (Apenheul Primate Park) 

J.C. Wilslaan 31
7313 HK Apeldoorn
the Netherlands

Click here to see a map of the location

Apenheul De Start



More info will be added soon



Apeldoorn is easily accessible by car and public transportation as well is Apenheul. It is highly recommended to rent a bike or to use the OV-bike service to explore Apeldoorn and surroundings. From Schiphol airport you can take the train to Apeldoorn, approximate travel time is one hour. See NS timetable and journey planner here

Public transport

Time schedules for Dutch public transport can be found at E-tickets can be purchased by using the 9292 app.

Apeldoorn has a train station and there is a straight intercity train connection from Schiphol Airport or Amsterdam Central station to Apeldoorn. At Apeldoorn Central station, you can take Bus 1 (Final destination is Apenheul, via Rijkskantoren), leaving every 15 minutes. It will take you 12 minutes to arrive at Apenheul by bus. A short walk of nearly 10 minutes from the bus stop, through park Berg and Bos  will bring you to the entrance of our Conference Centre.

Bus timetables will be made available at the registration desk and online.


If you would like to travel by taxi you can contact:

Taxi Schimmel
Tel: 0031 (0)55 533 33 66

This is a local taxi company which can bring you to a destination near Apeldoorn but also to Schiphol Airport if needed. Note: please book in advance when possible. You can obviously also consider using the Uber or Bolt app. 

Berg and Bos Parking
The Berg and Bos Parking Area is located at the entrance of Park Berg and Bos ( J.C. Wilslaan 21) and the parking fee is € 5,25 for a whole day. This is also the Taxi drop-off and pick-up point. The walk from the parking area to the conference centre is 5 minutes. Bike parking is located at the entrance of Park Berg en Bos as well.

hanuman blad

Visting Apeldoorn and The Veluwe region

If you have time to visit neighboring places before or after the conference it is highly recommended to visit the following very informative websites:

For more suggestions about what to see and what to do in the region please click here



EAZA Corporate Members and affiliated companies will receive a sponsorship invitation around mid-July