Published four times a year and filled with news reports, feature articles and opinion pieces covering the wide spectrum of issues facing zoos and aquariums today

ZOOQUARIA 122: Summer 2024

ZQ122 content cropped

 ZQ122 full cover

















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ZQ120 Winter 2023

ZQ121 cover 300

ZQ119 cover 300

ZQ115 cover 230

ZQ115 cover 230

ZQ115 cover 230

ZQ115 cover 230

ZQ110 230

ZQ110 230

ZQ110 230

ZQ110 230

ZQ110 230

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ZQ90 230

ZQ90 230

ZQ90 230

ZQ90 230

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For EAZA Member institutions wishing to receive additional paper copies of Zooquaria the following rates apply:

Number of subscriptions Price per subscription
1 subscription (i.e. four issues) €26,00
2-9 subscriptions €23,00

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Location Price per subscription
Netherlands €31,00
Rest of the world €36,00

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The editorial board of Zooquaria welcomes article submissions on recent or planned openings of new exhibits, on significant births and hatchings, on important conservation activities, etc. Submissions are welcome from EAZA members and non-members alike. The editorial board cannot guarantee publication, but will consider each article submitted. 

If you are planning to submit an article for Zooquaria please first read the Guidelines for Contributors. For more general guidelines on use of language, grammar, spellings and punctuation please consult the Style Guide.

Please send via email your article or suggestion of topic to Sandrine Camus

If you would like to comment on any article or feature in Zooquaria, you may consider doing so in the form of a letter to the editor. Not all letters received will be published and those that are published may be edited for length. The decisions of the editorial board in such matters will be final. Letters should be sent to Sandrine Camus.