Event calendar


Event calendar

The event calendar includes EAZA conferences and meetings, as well as other events of interest to EAZA Members.

If you would like to submit an event for inclusion in our calendar, please contact info@eaza.net.  

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DateEventLocation (Host)
4-7 March 2025International Small Carnivore WorkshopTallinn Zoo, Estonia
17-21 March 2025EAZA Education ConferenceChester Zoo, United Kingdom
1-3 April 2025EAZA Directors' DaysOceanogràfic Valencia, Spain  
2-5 April 2025The 5th International Meeting on Zoo Research, Conservation and Biodiversity Serengeti-Park Hodenhagen, Germany 
5-8 May 2025EAZA Small Mammal TAG Midyear MeetingArabia’s Wildlife centre, UAE
11-14 May 2025Antelope and Giraffid Mid-year TAG meeting Dvur Kralove 
12 - 17 May 2025EAZA Amphibian and Reptile TAGs joint mid-year meeting 2025Allwetterzoo Münster, Germany
23 - 26 June 2025EAZA Zoo Horticulture ConferenceDiergaarde Blijdorp in Rotterdam, the Netherlands
9-13 September 2025EAZA Annual ConferenceOrientarium ZOO Łódź, Poland  


DateEventLocation (Host)
16 - 19 March, 2026EAZA Animal Welfare ForumAntwerp Zoo, Belgium
13 - 17 April, 2026EAZA Directors' DaysSafaripark Beekse Bergen, Netherlands
19 - 22 May, 2026EAZA Conservation ForumOpel-Zoo, Krönberg im Taunus, Germany
23-27 August 2026 ICAIS 2026 - 24th International Conference on Aquatic Invasive SpeciesQueen’s University Belfast, Northern Ireland
29 September - 3 October, 2026EAZA Annual ConferenceMuséum National d'histoire naturelle, Paris, France