Secretary bird

(Sagittarius serpentarius)


EEP Coordinator: Graeme Dick, Mandai Wildlife Reserve

Find more information on the Member Area

EEP page - Secretary bird

What are the EEP roles? 


Given the status of the species in the wild, and the ongoing decline of the population in the wild, there is a need to continue working towards a demographically and genetically healthy population in order to fulfil and insurance role.


Available knowledge from ex-situ could have a direct role in supporting in-situ research. More research is needed to work on some of the knowledge gaps and collate into a best practice guideline.
As secretary birds are a highly charismatic species the species is very suitable towards fulfilling a funding role. 

Exhibit / Education 
Given secretary birds are a highly charismatic species and unique in difference ways, it is an interesting species to exhibit and education the public about biology and threats the species is facing in the wild.

EEP in numbers

In June 2024, the secrety bird EEP included:

  • 69 animals
  • in 27 institutions.

Programme highlights
