


EEP Coordinator: Peter Petersen, National Aquarium Denmark, Den Blå Planet

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EEP page - Cichlids

Critical endangered (CR) species are the main focus of this EEP. The Extinct in the wild category contains no species in August 2024 but this can change rapidly, and focus will be on the status of this group as well preventing the further extinction of cichlid species. Species rarely kept by private aquarists, breeders, zoos, aquariums, and other institutions will have highest priority. Domesticated strains are excluded from the EEP. 

What are the EEP roles? 


This role contemplates the possibility to maintain long-term ex situ populations to preserve options for the future. The ex situ populations are a potential future source to build up (long-term) populations for reintroduction.


Research and monitoring in situ)                                                                                                            
There is need for research and supporting research in country with focus on background information such as habitat, biology and threats and developing Best Practice Guidelines to tackle any issues with breeding. There is also further need for monitoring to find out the real status in the wild and where EAZA can get involved.

EEP in numbers

As of August 2024

  • Oreochromis lidole (1 institution >50 individuals)
  • Ptychochromis insolitus (More than 20 institutions >1000 individuals)
  • Sarotherodon linnellii (2 institutions >200 individuals)
  • Sarotherodon lohbergeri (1 institution <30 individuals)
  • Stomatepia mariae (3 institutions <70 individuals)
  • Stomatepia mongo (1 institution around 30 individuals)

The following species fall under the remit of the EEP:

Coptodon kottaeKonia eisentrauti
Melanochromis chipokaeMyaka myaka
Oreochromis chungruruensisParetroplus dambabe
Oreochromis lidoleParetroplus gymnopreopercularis
Paretroplus nourissatiPtychochromis inornatus
Paretroplus maculatusSarotherodon linnellii 
Ptychochromis insolitusSarotherodon caroli
Ptychochromoides betsileanusPtychochromoides itasy
Pungu maclareni Sarotherodon lohbergeri
Stomatepia mariae Stomatepia mongo
Stomatepia pinduTeleogramma brichardi

Programme highlights

  • The IUCN Species Specialist Group Freshwater Fishes has a new website.
  • Zooquaria 119 (Autumn 2023) features an article which calls for institutions to become involved in keeping endangered freshwater fish.