EAZA Corporate Members


Exhibit design / Architecture

EAZA Corporate Members offer a wide range of services for zoos, aquariums and botanic gardens from the development of design concepts and master planning through to the end of the build. Enclosure design and architecture in the modern age looks to provide the best possible experience for both animals and visitors, assisting with welfare, education, and population management and breeding.

AFRICA STYLEAfrica Style helps Zoos and Aquaria provide their guests with an immersive, unique, experience. Authentic natural and synthetic nature-inspired materials for shady and water-resistant coverings up to full-furnished design-build project.
BUREAU D’ÉTUDES BIOPARCSpecializing in zoological parks, Bioparc's design office offers its services for the design of aviaries and the realization. Having tried and tested different products (stainless steel net, vine ropes) in our own zoos we can now sell them for attractive prices.
CARL STAHL ARCHITECTUREFrom balustrade in-fills and fall protection to complex zoolutions: Carl Stahl Architecture is a specialist for almost any application involving stainless steel cables and mesh. From consulting and planning through structural calculations to manufacturing and installation, Carl Stahl Architecture provides end-to-end services to customers seeking to realize creative ideas with stainless steel system components – no matter where they are in the world. Especially for the area of zoo encloures, our advice to planners and clients covers all fields - from the initial idea to the executional planning. The resulting concept is optimally coordinated and aligned to the individual specifications
HMJ DESIGNHMJ Design helps EAZA Zoos to efficiently execute their masterplans. This is done by designing, planning and building outdoor zoo facilities at a highly specialised professional level, in partnership with zoos. HMJ Design is passionate about working with zoos, and seeks to act as an integral part of the zoo community. We follow the EAZA Code of Ethics and husbandry guidelines, and design for animal welfare, quality and sustainability of the project, taking into account all stakeholders. Affordability is a key factor in project execution – Our projects maximise space and provides the best possible facility for the investment.
JAKOB ROPE SYSTEMSJakob Rope Systems is a Swiss manufacturer of stainless steel cables and nets, well established in the zoo sector. The wire rope mesh ‘Webnet’ is used by zoos around the world. The robust and versatile net allows a very high degree of transparency and flexibility for designing elegant animal enclosures and aviaries. Besides, Jakob offers a comprehensive range of services for the design of enclosures. From the engineering and planning of the net structures by experienced engineers over the project-specific production of the nets and the competent installation by trained technicians on site.
RASBACH ARCHITEKTENA multidisciplinary team of architects, landscape architects and engineers that provides complete services for zoos from master planning to exhibit design.