Resources - Animal health

You can find here resources related to animal health, such as the Transmissible Diseases Handbook and the EU Animal Health Law Handbook.

Animal Health Handbooks

EAZA Members provide a comprehensive health regime for the animals in their care, managed by a network of expert veterinarians. Most of them are affiliated with other professional organisations, notably the European Association of Zoo and Wildlife Veterinarians (EAZWV).

Our close formal partnership with EAZWV enhances animal health management throughout EAZA and beyond and results in joint creation of resources that can help in addressing different aspects of zoo- and wildlife animal health. 

EU Animal Health Law (AHL) Handbook

2024 (1st edition)

EU Animal Health Law (AHL) Handbook

In 2024, the Joint EAZA / EAZWV Legislation Working Group, in collaboration with the European Association of State Veterinary Officers, published the AHL Handbook. This authoritative guidance is intended for veterinarians and zoo professionals in charge of animal health, as well as the veterinarians responsible for AHL implementation across the EU.

Above, you can download the AHL Handbook as one pdf file. You can also go to the EAZWV website to access it by chapter and use the searchable interface. We encourage you to share the handbook widely with your official veterinarians and other interested parties.  

First translations are in progress; please get in touch if you would like to discuss translating it into your language. 

Transmissible Diseases Handbook (TDH)

2019 (5th edition)

Transmissible Diseases Handbook (TDH)

Since its creation in 2016, the members of the joint EAZA/EAZWV Infectious Diseases Working Group have been working on updates and new chapters for the TDH. The purpose of this handbook is to provide a useful, easy to access reference tool for zoo and wildlife veterinarians dealing with transmissible diseases, as well as for government officials and European legislators focusing on these issues. Together with tools for general management of infectious diseases, the handbook also addresses specific types, from tuberculosis to avian influenza.