Animal health

Every EAZA Member zoo and aquarium is required to provide a robust health regime for the animals in their care, backed by solid plans for prevention, surveillance and management of diseases. 

Animal health

EAZA’s highest responsibility is to maintain resilient and genetically diverse populations of healthy individuals, contributing to the preservation of their species and ensuring their survival for future generations.

For EAZA Ex situ Programmes (EEPs), the health of the entire population is overseen by Coordinators, supported by specialists in relevant domains: population- and reproduction biology, welfare, nutrition, and others. They recommend appropriate animal transfers and social groupings, which enables EAZA to maintain a diverse genetic base and, in turn, allows animal generations to thrive and contribute to species conservation.

On the individual level, every EAZA Member zoo and aquarium is required to provide a robust health regime for animals in their care, backed by solid plans for prevention, surveillance and management of diseases. 

This is overseen by qualified wildlife veterinarians and animal care professionals, many of whom are also members of the European Association of Zoo and Wildlife Veterinarians (EAZWV) as well as local vet networks, national zookeeper associations and other professional bodies. This broad collaboration further advances EAZA’s knowledge and expertise in animal care.  

EAZA’s commitment to animal health is guided by the One Health principle, linking the health of humans, animals, and their shared environment. EAZA facilitates the exchange of health data, also extending support to field partners to improve wildlife health in natural habitats.


Resources - Caring for animals

EAZA provides tools and resources based on the latest advances in veterninary and husbandry practices, animal welfare and nutrition science, and more so that our Members have guidance and support to provide the best conditions to the animals under their care.

Scroll down to find documentation related to animal health, such as the Transmissible Diseases Handbook and the EU Animal Health Law Handbook.